Lineart Deer-head |
Lineart Teapot |
Lineart Spray Bottle |
Lineart Mug |
Lineart Wine Bottle
Craft: The tools I used to accomplish these images would be Adobe Illustrator CC. I first started off with a blank canvas and used the line segment, pen, pencil, brush and eraser tool for each image. The deer-head piece was composed using geometric lines and the tools used to achieve those lines were the pen and line segment tool. The teapot piece was created using the paintbrush and pencil tool. Then after I created the piece using those tools, I went into window > brushes > brush library and selected an artistic brush tool to give it that painted styled look I was going for in order to create an organic image. The spray bottle piece was composed of horizontal lines, which were created with the line segment tool. The mug piece was created using diagonal lines using the line segment tool. Finally, the wine bottle piece was created with vertical lines using the line segment tool.
Composition: I arranged the composition so that a majority of the objects were centered, so that your eye gravitated towards that area. I started off in most of the drawings by drawing in different sections of the composition and then moving everything to the center because I felt it was more unified to put everything in the center, except the teapot, which spanned across the whole picture frame.
Concept: What I was trying to achieve from each piece was the objectives we had been told in class, which were to create images using diagonal, geometric, vertical, horizontal and organic lines for each individual piece. The images were suppose to be iconic so that they can be recognized by any individual and I felt like each image accomplished just that.
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